Income and Spending

Households in Orange County earn a median yearly income of 54,691. 35.06% of the households earn more than the national average each year. Household expenditures average 57,437 per year. The majority of earnings get spent on shelter, transportation, food and beverages, health care and utilities.

Income distribution

Less than $10K: 2,177

$10K-$20K: 3,513

$20K-$30K: 3,066

$30K-$40K: 3,633

$40K-$50K: 2,962

$50K-$60K: 2,661

$60K-$75K: 3,547

$75K-$100K: 3,887

More than $100K: 7,753

How do people spend most of their money?

Shelter: $11,849 per year

Transportation: $10,947

Food and beverages: $8,477

Health care: $4,647

Utilities: $4,344

For more detailed reports on consumer expenditures, click here.